Jerry Maguire- cada vez mais clássico

As reviews de Tim Vieira
Jerry Maguire 1996 directed by Cameron B. Crowe.

One of my favourite movies of all time nominated for 5 Oscar awards and winner of Golden Globe awards.
The 90’s was about movies which had a good story, great actors and an amazing sound track and this movie has all those ingredients.

The movie follows the life of Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) a sports agent for SMI who has it all but feels in his gut that he is missing that good factor feeling about himself.
In a fit of inspiration he writes a memo and in a time that social media didn’t exist he mails a 25 page mission statement to everyone involved in sport saying how toxic the industry is becoming and this turns his life upside down.

This movie is full of life lessons and many important business lessons.
Once Jerry loses his job he has to reinvent himself and dig deep to start his new business with only a fish and his new partner Dorothy Boyd (Renée Zellweger) who is brilliant in her role as a single mom in love with Jerry.

The adventure is all about human skills where we see the best in humans and the worst which as usual is fulled by Greed.

The movie has some other interesting and vital characters such as unforgettable performances by Cuba Gooding Jnr (Rod Tidwell) and Ray the young kid who just melts your heart everytime he comes on screen.

Some unforgettable one liners such as
– help me help you
– show me the money (most famous line ever)
– I don’t do contracts but my word is stronger then oak.
– first class use to be just a better meal now it’s a better life.
– You had me at Hello.

Interesting fact is that Woody Harrelson, who has a film and TV career spanning 38 years said that his one regret is: turning down a role in Jerry Maguire.

This movie definitely touches on my belief that we all go through the life phases of Need, Greed and hopefully in the end Freed and that it’s all about how quick we get through these phases that determines our happiness.

Make sure you watch this with someone you love as it’s one of those movies that brings you even closer.
The sound track will keep your heart warm right through as it’s truly a blast from the past of the big hits.

A start-up is where we all work together to grow something and where all wins are celebrated by everyone.
In Jerry Maguire we find ourselves celebrating each win as if we are all part of Jerry’s team.
We must live our lives from the heart as that’s when we inspire others.

It’s a great feeling.


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